Friday, October 28, 2011

Develop scientific knowledge

"In science, impossible does not exist. Inventions and discoveries are the products of constant endeavour by creative minds, envisioning ever-new outcomes. With vivid imagination and consistent effort, the forces of the universe can be made to work for an inspired mind. How do we fire up the minds of India's youth who are the foundation for cutting edge research and usher in a renaissance in Indian science?

We need a new generation of creative scientists. For that, we need an environment for research and challenging missions. Above all, academic institutions must have well-equipped laboratories and professors who have the proven capacity to attract youth to science. I have noticed that Indian universities lack a research culture. I believe where there is good research, good teaching is possible; where there is good teaching, good research emanates. Hence, I visualise our universities transforming into research-cum-teaching hubs. This calls for the presence of a number of renowned research professors on campus to attract bright students. Such a research environment will provide credibility to university departments and, in turn, bring in funding by industry and R&D laboratories for research programmes and projects.

The present trend among young people after Class XII is to take up engineering, medicine or management courses because of an assurance of employment. To attract the best minds to science research at the M.Sc and doctoral programmes, it is essential that an exclusive science cadre is introduced to facilitate a career in well known scientific laboratories and universities."

The above three paragraphs are excerpts from our former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Sir's write-up "Time to ignite young minds". This is exactly what I have tried to emulate and follow and to all my students I would like to say that 'knowledge is power' and if you find one who can provide you the power and satisfy your hunger for knowledge, follow him/her to develop yourself as well as many others like you. Get your basics right and then building advanced knowledge on it will be a lot more easier. Science is really going to be the 'in thing' in the years to come, mold and develop yourself accordingly to be the torch bearers of scientific revolution. 

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