Friday, February 10, 2012

Enjoyed learning, studying....

Dear all,

            It has been a long time since I had posted the last post in this blog, was busy with preparations for the University examination. The theory papers went well, practicals and project presentation remaining. To tell you the fact I enjoyed writing the exam after a long gap of leaving school and college. It brought back the nostalgic memories of yesteryear, felt like I have traveled back in time, a lucky chance isn't it ?

This also proves learning is a continuous life long process, there is no end to the knowledge you can learn and share in a lifetime. There are so many things still left to be read, explored and studied. One lifetime is very small a time period to experience the whole world. Every moment of life can be lived, enjoyed, and maximized to the fullest. Dears, its a great blessing to be alive and kicking, Utilize and grab every second of life, make it fruitful and useful in one way or the other. Cherish the present as if there is no tomorrow.

More later................................ 

Bless you all,

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